var data1 = {"type": "FeatureCollection","features": [{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.60823822, 12.21906562]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Bathway Beach TP57 1960 A
12° 13' 9''N 61° 36' 30''W'
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Carriacou Hillsborough TP37 A
12° 28' 58''N 61° 27' 32''W'
Show photos like this
Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.71702862, 12.08741548]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Annandale Falls 2902 A
12° 5' 15''N 61° 43' 1''W'
Show photos like this
Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.71876669, 12.11775364]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Concord Falls 3603 A
12° 7' 4''N 61° 43' 8''W'
Show photos like this
Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.75422059, 12.04871367]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Grenada Panorama St Georges CO1069 347 A
12° 2' 55''N 61° 45' 15''W'
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Concord Valley 3603 A
12° 7' 4''N 61° 43' 25''W'
Show photos like this
Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.73221358, 12.16474800]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Gouyave (Charlotte Town) TP22 A
12° 9' 53''N 61° 43' 56''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.72801530, 12.16813728]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Gouyave (Charlotte Town) TP23 1921 A
12° 10' 5''N 61° 43' 41''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.73131235, 12.16179039]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Gouyave 5001 A
12° 9' 42''N 61° 43' 53''W'
Show photos like this
Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.73218139, 12.15927325]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Gouyave Donaldston Bridge TP23 1906 A
12° 9' 33''N 61° 43' 56''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.73822173, 12.14633056]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Gouyave From Afar TP57 A
12° 8' 47''N 61° 44' 18''W'
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Gouyave From Hilltop A
12° 9' 59''N 61° 43' 46''W'
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Gouyave From South A
12° 9' 18''N 61° 44' 2''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.69560679, 12.09673560]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Grand Etang Lake 5301 A
12° 5' 48''N 61° 41' 44''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.69686206, 12.09612714]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Grand Etang Lake 9401 1952 A
12° 5' 46''N 61° 41' 49''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.69529565, 12.09572850]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Grand Etang Lake TP23 1908 A
12° 5' 45''N 61° 41' 43''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.69470557, 12.09501513]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Grand Etang Lake1 6201 1901 A
12° 5' 42''N 61° 41' 41''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.69397601, 12.09545574]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Grand Etang Lake2 5903 A
12° 5' 44''N 61° 41' 38''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.69686206, 12.09612714]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Grand Etang Lake2 A
12° 5' 46''N 61° 41' 49''W'
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Grand Etang Rest House A
12° 5' 39''N 61° 41' 42''W'
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Grand Etang Sanatorium Rest House TP22 A
12° 5' 38''N 61° 41' 38''W'
Show photos like this
Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.60915793, 12.22634494]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Levera Islands 2401 1958 A
12° 13' 35''N 61° 36' 33''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.60880712, 12.22601306]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Levera Islands1 2401 1958 A
12° 13' 34''N 61° 36' 32''W'
Show photos like this
Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.61205061, 12.22758423]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Levera Islands2 2401 1958 A
12° 13' 39''N 61° 36' 43''W'
Show photos like this
Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.61398180, 12.22787782]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Levera Islands3 2401 1958 A
12° 13' 40''N 61° 36' 50''W'
Show photos like this
Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.75131467, 12.05078646]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Nutmeg Bar St Georges TP35 A
12° 3' 3''N 61° 45' 5''W'
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Pearls Airport Sams Inn TP64 A
12° 8' 36''N 61° 37' 31''W'
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Pearls Airport TP63 A
12° 8' 36''N 61° 36' 52''W'
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Point Saline Headlands TP37 1969 A
12° 0' 18''N 61° 47' 57''W'
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Point Saline Salt Ponds TP17 A
12° 0' 10''N 61° 47' 44''W'
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Point Salines 5803 A
12° 0' 10''N 61° 46' 40''W'
Show photos like this
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Point Salines Lighthouse 3401 1960 A
12° 0' 10''N 61° 48' 7''W'
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Point Salines South Beach 1952 A
12° 0' 12''N 61° 47' 58''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.75871380, 11.99813015]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Prickly Bay Boatyard 1990 A
11° 59' 53''N 61° 45' 31''W'
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Santa Maria Hotel 4001 A
12° 2' 40''N 61° 44' 58''W'
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Santa Maria Hotel and Spout 3001 A
12° 2' 43''N 61° 45' 3''W'
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Santa Maria Hotel1 4001 A
12° 2' 44''N 61° 45' 3''W'
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Santa Maria Hotel2 TCP63 A
12° 2' 44''N 61° 45' 2''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.64051056, 12.22544089]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Sauteurs 2901 and TP21 1914 A
12° 13' 32''N 61° 38' 26''W'
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Sauteurs Leapers Hill 8002 A
12° 13' 34''N 61° 38' 22''W'
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Silver Sands Hotel Grand Anse 1950 TP64 A
12° 1' 49''N 61° 45' 15''W'
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Spice Island Inn Bar TP63 A
12° 1' 20''N 61° 45' 54''W'
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Spice Island Inn TP63 A
12° 1' 20''N 61° 45' 54''W'
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Sugar Estate Woodlands 4703 A
12° 1' 33''N 61° 44' 24''W'
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Sugar Factory 3501 1937 A
12° 1' 32''N 61° 44' 23''W'
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Waterfront Restaurant Turtle Cove A
12° 2' 57''N 61° 45' 9''W'
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Botanical Garden 1002 A
12° 2' 50''N 61° 44' 43''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.74494334, 12.04711568]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Botanical Garden Inside 1002 1913 A
12° 2' 50''N 61° 44' 42''W'
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Broadcasting Studio A
12° 3' 18''N 61° 44' 52''W'
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Carenage Inner Harbour 0601 A
12° 2' 54''N 61° 45' 6''W'
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La Sagesse Beach and Secret Beach 2013 A
12° 1' 3''N 61° 40' 31''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.67252100, 12.01818800]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Secret Beach from St. Davids Point 2013 A
12° 1' 5''N 61° 40' 21''W'
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Cemetary 2101 A
12° 3' 19''N 61° 45' 11''W'
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Esplanade St Georges 2602 1929 A
12° 3' 6''N 61° 45' 15''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.75374269, 12.04939351]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Fort George 0503 A
12° 2' 58''N 61° 45' 13''W'
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Government House 1202 A
12° 3' 12''N 61° 44' 38''W'
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Government House 1602 1920 A
12° 3' 12''N 61° 44' 38''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.74391874, 12.05339540]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Government House 5103 1939 A
12° 3' 12''N 61° 44' 38''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.74393331, 12.05327322]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Government House View 1401 1920 A
12° 3' 12''N 61° 44' 38''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.75374269, 12.04939351]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Government House View of Fort George 5302 1939 A
12° 2' 58''N 61° 45' 13''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.75294169, 12.04927189]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Harbour View from Fort George TP02 1925 A
12° 2' 57''N 61° 45' 11''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.75197609, 12.04413054]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Hospital and Fort George 6702 A
12° 2' 39''N 61° 45' 7''W'
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Hospital St. Georges TP07 A
12° 2' 53''N 61° 45' 15''W'
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Mt Helicon CO169 349 A
12° 3' 22''N 61° 44' 59''W'
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Parliament Hill 2014 A
12° 3' 13''N 61° 44' 43''W'
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Presentation College A
12° 3' 17''N 61° 45' 9''W'
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Queens Park 3703 A
12° 3' 34''N 61° 45' 12''W'
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Queens Park 6703 A
12° 3' 35''N 61° 45' 11''W'
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Richmond Hill A
12° 2' 51''N 61° 44' 26''W'
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Roman Catholic Church A
12° 3' 12''N 61° 45' 8''W'
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Roman Catholic Church from Church Street A
12° 3' 13''N 61° 45' 8''W'
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Roman Catholic Church with Presentation College 7402 A
12° 3' 13''N 61° 45' 8''W'
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Sendall Tunnel Eastern Entrance CO1069 347 A
12° 3' 1''N 61° 45' 12''W'
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Sendall Tunnel Entrance 9301 A
12° 3' 2''N 61° 45' 13''W'
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Sendall Tunnel West Entrance CO1069 A
12° 3' 3''N 61° 45' 13''W'
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St Georges CO1069 349 A
12° 2' 58''N 61° 45' 13''W'
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St Georges From North TP20 A
12° 3' 43''N 61° 45' 22''W'
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Tempe Valley TP52 A
12° 3' 25''N 61° 44' 33''W'
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The Spout Bathing Place 0801 1917 A
12° 2' 49''N 61° 44' 54''W'
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The Spout View of St. Georges 0801 1917 A
12° 2' 51''N 61° 44' 56''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.75283440, 12.04958667]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Treasury Gate St Georges 8102 A
12° 2' 59''N 61° 45' 10''W'
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View of Fort George A
12° 3' 16''N 61° 45' 2''W'
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York House 1996 B
12° 3' 11''N 61° 45' 9''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.75330568, 12.04932473]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Carenage 0403 1851 and 1950 A
12° 2' 58''N 61° 45' 12''W'
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Carenage and Bathing Beach St Georges TP20 1937 A
12° 3' 12''N 61° 44' 58''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.75330647, 12.04930337]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
Carenage St Georges MP012 1969 A
12° 2' 57''N 61° 45' 12''W'
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Eastern End of Carenage St Georges 8201 A
12° 3' 3''N 61° 44' 57''W'
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Harbour Quay Side St Georges TP34 A
12° 3' 3''N 61° 44' 58''W'
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View St Georges 3201 A
12° 2' 56''N 61° 44' 48''W'
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Anglican Church St Georges TP35 1969 A
12° 3' 6''N 61° 45' 8''W'
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Grenville Loose Schooners 1952 A
12° 7' 20''N 61° 37' 17''W'
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Show photos similar to this"} },{"type": "Feature","geometry":{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-61.76288867, 12.02276531]},"properties":{"infowindow":"
University MP018 1978 A
12° 1' 22''N 61° 45' 46''W'
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Morne Rouge view from above A
12° 1' 4''N 61° 46' 26''W'
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Santa Maria Hotel from Ross Point A
12° 2' 24''N 61° 45' 15''W'
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Morne Rouge Beach Club A
12° 1' 25''N 61° 45' 43''W'
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St Georges from Fort Matthew MP020 1966 A
12° 3' 1''N 61° 44' 17''W'
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Cinema and Cigarette Factory in St. Georges A
12° 3' 7''N 61° 44' 55''W'
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Customs Landing Wharf St. Georges 7201 A
12° 2' 57''N 61° 45' 9''W'
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Welcome to Grenada MP007 A
12° 2' 60''N 61° 44' 59''W'
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Esplanade St. Georges 7502 A
12° 3' 9''N 61° 45' 16''W'
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Melville Street St. Georges A
12° 3' 11''N 61° 45' 17''W'
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Botanical Gardens Donkey Cart 6101 A
12° 2' 50''N 61° 44' 42''W'
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Cemetery St Georges TP62 A
12° 3' 19''N 61° 45' 11''W'
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Anglican Church View Across the Harbour A
12° 3' 1''N 61° 44' 56''W'
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Hospital Colonial 1910 A
12° 2' 53''N 61° 45' 17''W'
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Annandale Falls1 TP34 1971 A
12° 5' 15''N 61° 43' 1''W'
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Sendall Tunnel Angry Sea 1203 1907 A
12° 3' 4''N 61° 45' 14''W'
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Lucas Street St Georges 8503 1920 A
12° 3' 11''N 61° 45' 4''W'
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St Johns St A
12° 3' 13''N 61° 45' 14''W'
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Constitution Hill Looking Upwards 1702 A
12° 3' 8''N 61° 45' 12''W'
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Constitution Hill Looking Upwards from Granby Street 6202 1908 A
12° 3' 8''N 61° 45' 13''W'
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Market Day A
12° 3' 10''N 61° 45' 13''W'
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Market Hill Granby Street TP32 1960 A
12° 3' 7''N 61° 45' 15''W'
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Market Hill Outer Harbour St Georges 4603 A
12° 3' 10''N 61° 45' 8''W'
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Market Square and Halifax Street Looking North 1001 A
12° 3' 8''N 61° 45' 13''W'
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Market Square as Car Park 0702 1950 A
12° 3' 8''N 61° 45' 13''W'
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Market Square St Georges 0302 A
12° 3' 8''N 61° 45' 12''W'
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Market Square St Georges 3903 1960 A
12° 3' 9''N 61° 45' 12''W'
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Fish Market St Georges TP17 1904 A
12° 3' 14''N 61° 45' 19''W'
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